SmartSea: Technology seminar

When :Wednesday, 22 January 2020, 8.30–16.30
Where: Marina Congress Center, Helsinki, Finland
Latest program as pdf
The presentation slides:
Toni Ahlqvist, University of Turku:
Maritime system transitions: emerging technologies, blue growth and maritime spatial planning
Heidi Paalatie, Finnish Wind Power Association:
Future of offshore wind power in Finland
Jaakko Heinonen, VTT:
Offshore foundation solutions for wind energy in ice
Elina Virtanen, Syke:
Marine Spatial Planning of offshore wind farms: environmental values and costs
Juliane Borge, Multiconsult, Norway:
Sea based salmon farming in Norway – existing and emerging technologies and challenges in a cold climate
Alessandro Ciattaglia, Badinotti, Italy:
Oceanis 2 designed to Baltic sea icy conditions
Markus Kankainen, Luke:
Marine fish farming and production conditions in the Baltic Sea
Sander de Jong, Ministry of Infrastructure and Waterworks, Netherlands:
Sea Use Management and Sand Extraction in the Netherlands Northsea
Kirsi Kostamo, Syke:
Environmental impacts of seabed mineral utilisation
Jyrki Hämäläinen, GTK:
Guidelines and best practises for the use of seafloor resources

Pohjanlahti merituulienergian tuotantoalueena
Konteksti Merituulienergian laajamittainen rakentaminen on keskeinen askel Suomen tavoitetta hiilivapaaksi yhteiskunnaksi. Suomen merialueista erityisesti Pohjanlahti tarjoaa hyvät olosuhteet energian tuotannolle,

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