
The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is a research and service agency under the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
twitter: @meteorologit @fmi_marine

The Finnish Environment Institute (also known as SYKE, after the Institute’s Finnish acronym) is both a research institute, and a centre for environmental expertise.
twitter: @SYKEinfo @pinnanalta

The research and expert activities of the Natural Resources Institute Finland are founded on broad-based competence. Four research units, a statistics unit and an internal services unit all contain groups and teams, whose competencies are exploited in multi-disciplinary research programmes and projects carried out in collaboration with Finnish and international partners.
twitter: @lukefinland

The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is a leading European competence centre on assessment and sustainable use of geological resources.
twitter: @gtk_fi

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the leading research and technology company in the Nordic countries. VTT has a national mandate in Finland. We use our research and knowledge to provide expert services for our domestic and international customers and partners
twitter: @vttfinland

University of Turku is an active academic community of 25 000 students and staff members – a truly international research university, a provider and developer of Finnish high-quality education and a strong bellwether of its area.
twitter: @uniturku

The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution of academic education in Finland, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. The scientist from UH come from the Fisheries and Environmental Management Group (FEM) whose research focuses on the interaction between ecosystems and human society; including, e.g., decision analysis of renewable resources and biodiversity and cross discplinary modelling of exploitation processes of natural resources in the face of risks and uncertainty in the information

SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, is an expert agency under the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. Through unique expertise in meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and climatology, SMHI contributes towards greater public welfare, increased safety and a sustainable society.
twitter: @SMHI
Advisory group

Ann Holm
Steering Group member, Pohjanmaan liitto

Anne Savola
Steering Group Member, Satakuntaliitto

Anu Riihimäki
Steering Group Member, Metsähallitus

Mari Pohja-Mykrä
Steering group member, Varsinais-Suomen Liitto

Mari Virtanen
Steering Group Member, Suomen Kalankasvattajaliitto ry

Mikko Niini
Steering Group Member Merenkulkuneuvos

Tiina Tihlman
Steering Group Member, YM

Timo Halonen
Steering Group Member, MMM

Ville Rinkineva
Steering Group chair LVM

Vincent Westberg
Steering Group Member, EPOELY
Executive board

Aarno Kotilainen
Executive Board member, GTK

Jaakko Heinonen
Executive Board Member, VTT

Jari Haapala
Project director, Research professor, expertise: sea-ice, climate, modelling

Lars Arneborg
Executive Board Member, SMHI

Laura Tuomi
FMI, Executive Board Member, Scientist, expertise: waves, hydrography, modelling

Markku Viitasalo
Research Professor, SmartSea vice director, Executive board member, SYKE Expertise: Biodiversity, climate change, maritime spatial planning, conservation

Meri Kallasvuo
LUKE, Executive Board Member, Researcher, team leader expertise: blue growth, marine fisheries and habitats

Sakari Kuikka
Executive Board Member, HY

Sari Repka
Executive Board Member, UTU

Simo-Matti Siiriä
FMI, Project coordinator, expertise: circulation models

Aarno Kotilainen
Executive Board member, GTK

Anna Strandell
Researcher, SYKE Environmental Policy Centre. Expertise and tasks: Spatial planning, land use planning, second homes, data analyses, GIS

Antti Kause
LUKE, Principal Research Scientist, Expertise: Aquaculture genetics and breeding programmes

Ari Jolma
Senior Researcher, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: SmartSea MSP tool, programming

Eeva Mikkola
Researcher, VTT. Expertise: marine structures, field experiments, multiuse of marine space

Elina Virtanen
Researcher, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: spatial modelling, data analyses, GIS

Helén Andersson
SMHI, Scientist. expertise: Marine biogeochemistry and water quality, impact of climate change on oceanography and the marine ecosystem

Irma Kallio-Nyberg
Luke, Scientist Expertise: Ecosystems and ecology, Fish stocks and environment

Jaakko Heinonen
Executive Board Member, VTT

Jani Särkkä
FMI, Scientist expertise: wave modeling

Jari Haapala
Project director, Research professor, expertise: sea-ice, climate, modelling

Jari Lyytimäki
Senior researcher, SYKE Environmental Policy Centre. Expertise and tasks: Science communication, stakeholder participation, environmental policy and governance issues

Jari Raitaniemi
Luke, Scientist. Expertise: Fish ecology, herring and sprat in the northern Baltic Sea

Jari Setälä
Luke, Scientist, expertise: Economic and business analyses related to fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing and market

Jarno Vanhatalo

Jenny Katila

Joonas Virtasalo
GTK Expertise: marine geology, sedimentology and sedimentation dynamics

Juho Lappalainen
Researcher, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: Data analyses, field work, GIS

Jussi Mäkinen

Kari Eilola
Executive Board Member, SMHI, expertise: physical and biogeochemical modeling of the Baltic Sea.

Kari Oinonen
Head of Unit, SYKE Environmental Policy Centre. Expertise and tasks: Land use, spatial planning, spatial structure, regional development, e-services

Katariina Ala-Rämi

Kirsi Kostamo
Head of Unit, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: Maritime Spatial Planning, biodiversity, environmental management

Lari Veneranta
Luke, Scientist. Expertise: Coastal fisheries and fish habitats, fish reproduction areas

Laura Tuomi
FMI, Executive Board Member, Scientist, expertise: waves, hydrography, modelling

Maria Tikanmäki
Research Team Leader, VTT Offshore wind power, Arctic Technology, Sea ice

Markku Viitasalo
Research Professor, SmartSea vice director, Executive board member, SYKE Expertise: Biodiversity, climate change, maritime spatial planning, conservation

Markus Kankainen
Luke, Scientist. Expertise: fish farming production planning, supply chain analysis of food chains.

Meri Kallasvuo
LUKE, Executive Board Member, Researcher, team leader expertise: blue growth, marine fisheries and habitats

Meri Koskelainen
Researcher, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: Data management of SmartSea, remote sensing, GIS

Riikka Venesjärvi

Robinson Hordoir
SMHI, scientist,Expertise: Physical Oceanography, Ocean Modelling

Sakari Kuikka
Executive Board Member, HY

Sanna Kuningas
LUKE, Executive Board Member, research scientist.

Sari Repka
Executive Board Member, UTU

Semjon Schimanke
SMHI, Scientist, expertise: Ocean-atmosphere climate modeling, major saltwater inflows to the Baltic Sea.

Simo-Matti Siiriä
FMI, Project coordinator, expertise: circulation models

Ville Karvinen
Researcher, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: SmartSea MSP tool, data analyses, underwater inventories, GIS

Waltteri Niemelä
Master of resource Management student, SYKE Marine Research Centre. Expertise and tasks: MSc study on SmartSea conservation issues
SmartSea-project contact information
- Adress: PL 503, 00101 HELSINKI Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki
- @smartseaproject
- Smart sea Presskit can be found here: Presskit