SmartSea Infographics

Offshore wind production, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Blue Well being, recreation and tourism have been key areas of the SmartSea project. We condensed the main points of these ideas into the infographics found on this page. To emphatize the importance of all these aspects, the possible future, with, and without taking all these in account was made into an another infographics.
The infographics are available here, in english, finnish and swedish
English versions:
Download: SmartSea Infographics, english

Finnish versions:
Download: SmartSea Infographics, Finnish

Swedish versions:
Download: SmartSea Infographics, Swedish


Pohjanlahti merituulienergian tuotantoalueena
Konteksti Merituulienergian laajamittainen rakentaminen on keskeinen askel Suomen tavoitetta hiilivapaaksi yhteiskunnaksi. Suomen merialueista erityisesti Pohjanlahti tarjoaa hyvät olosuhteet energian tuotannolle,

Scientific Articles published in SmartSea
One of the products of the SmartSea are the various scientific articles published by our partners during the project. The

SmartSea Infographics
Offshore wind production, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Blue Well being, recreation and tourism have been key areas of the SmartSea project. We

SmartSea Final Seminar/Loppuseminaari 8.6.2021
SmartSea will hold a Final Seminar on the results of the project, and a discussion with stakeholders and affiliates on